According to Reuters, some 327 million royal wedding-related pictures will be taken on digital cameras next week when Britain’s Prince William ties the knot with girlfriend Kate Middleton. The article goes on to say that half the photographers at Charles and Diana’s 1981 wedding missed the iconic balcony kiss because they were busy changing film.
What a difference 30 years makes. These days, nothing escapes the digital eye, especially since most pictures are taken straight from our cell phones. But what makes us actually take so many pics? Is it simply because we can, or is it the desire to share our images?
Professional photos of William and Kate will be plastered across the tabloids, yet onlookers outside Buckingham Palace will still want to post their images of the event. In fact, Reuters predicts that of the millions of photos taken at the royal wedding, some 65 million will be shared on social media sites.
That’s a huge number. And that’s why a public relations firm like Epoch 5 works with clients to make sure they use social media to its fullest. Customers, employees and other audiences are accustomed now to sites where they have a voice. Whether it’s for a major financial institution or the hot new restaurant down the block, people want to participate and be part of the discussion. After all, the desire to be heard and counted is an old one — almost as old as the need to believe in fairytale weddings.