Going green is good public relations. Just ask Walmart, which found a clever way to “Save Money, Live Better” that doesn’t just echo the mega-retailer’s tagline. Walmart recently reported that its California operations eliminated more than 80 percent of its waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. The comprehensive waste reduction program is now being implemented across Walmart’s 4,400 stores, Sam’s Club locations and distribution centers in the U.S., moving it closer to its global goal of creating zero waste.
Public relations experts agree that recycling and other acts of commitment to the community can help you win customers and positively influence public perception of your company. Our Long Island public relations firm, Epoch 5 Public Relations, helps our clients implement giving back programs that do good, both for the community and the client. A business does not have to be as big as Walmart to practice good corporate citizenship, and small acts can speak volumes.
Springtime brings a host of opportunities to volunteer for a charitable organization. Many not-for-profits hold walks to benefit their cause, and a local business can sponsor a walk, or form a walking team, for example. Epoch 5 PR formed a team such for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Walk MS on Long Island. Or you can volunteer your group to help out at a local soup kitchen, or at a Habitat for Humanity building project. Helping those in need is a great team-building activity.
You depend on the larger community for your business. Giving back to that community should be a part of every business plan.