The higher up in your News Feed, the better!

Mashable explains that keeping an up-to-date social media presence is key to a brands image. But – Just because you’re posting on your Facebook Wall, doesn’t mean the content is relevant. The most recent and relevant activity on any Facebook profile or Fan Page that you follow is listed at the top of the News Feed, which is your home page.

At our Long Island Public Relations firm, we help manage and post on our clients’ Facebook walls. Epoch 5 serves as an administrator to help maintain consistent, relevant updates for your brand, as one of our services.

Below are the top 5 ways to optimize and enhance your Facebook News Feed ranking:

1.  Don’t Automate Your Status Updates
Don’t automatically feed your blog posts or your Twitter updates into your Page. Automated content doesn’t make it into News Feeds.

2.  Show You’re Human
Thank your fans for their replies, sharing their opinions and stories with you, wish them happy holidays, and be more communicative with them.

3.  Post More Photos and Videos
Videos and photos perform well on Facebook. They get into News Feeds and they grab people’s attention. Users choose to watch more than they read.

4. Put Your Fans In Charge Every Now and Then
Post a question for a fan’s opinion – crowd source! This provides a sense of value and voice for your consumer and some of their decisions might help you in the long run.

5. Target Your Status Update
Make good use of targeting. Be sure to set status settings for targeting by city/state or by country (for international companies) so  that the message gets to the appropriate consumer.

Start using these tips and visit for further information and services.

Want more tips? Read a follow up to this post here.